Tag Archives: loss of loved one

Homeopathic Remedies for Grief and Sadness

The main homeopathic remedies for grief and sadness are Ignatia, Natrum Muriaticum (nat mur) and Causticum.

These remedies are used for different purposes as described below.

Ignatia (Ignatia amara, St. Ignatius Bean)

Death of a loved one
Ignatia is given after a loved one dies and the surviving person is totally shocked by this event, having a feeling of unreality, as if in a nightmare, that this could not possibly have happened, or be true. The surviving person is in a state of emotional shock, even hysteria, and can’t believe that his or her loved one has died. Some people even try to commit suicide.

Ignatia 1M or 10M can be of great help in alleviating this horrible feeling. The remedy needs only to be given once.

If this initial state is not treated with Ignatia, deep depression can result in those left behind. Here the next remedy nat mur described below can be quite helpful.

(Funeral homes should offer Ignatia 1M to grieving relatives and friends. As the remedy is so inexpensive (one US cent will pay for quite a number of pills) it will not burden their budget and only enhance their good reputation with the good results obtained.)

Ending of relationships
Another important use of Ignatia is to cure the emotional state of a person after a relationship has been ended. Such people are often very tearful and desolate and weep without cessation over the loss of a loved one – be it a boyfriend, a girlfriend a husband or a wife. Some even commit suicide due to unbearable sorrow.

Here Ignatia 1M is used, and in a few weeks the afflicted person is often in great spirits, with a totally different view of the loss, even considering the separation of no great importance, or a blessing.

Natrum Muriaticum (nat mur)

This is a state of long-term sadness and bitterness. Typically it develops after the loss of a loved one by either death or separation, and the initial shock has subsided without treatment with Ignatia.

This state often keeps developing years after a loss. Tears can appear on talking about a loved one, or being reminded of him or her. An emotional surge of sadness can suddenly arise.

Here the 1M potency of the remedy is quite useful. Given once it typically leads to weeping episodes during a week or so, mostly taking place in private.

The 10M potency can also be given once after a month or two if nat mur 1M does not alter the state entirely.

This remedy is quite useful after a person has suffered a long string of losses, whether they be losses of loved ones, or financial or other losses. It is a state of long-lasting grief. Many in the Causticum state are hopeless and despondent, even wanting to die.

Causticum persons are often overly sympathetic. They can weep when they see other people weeping, or from having great sympathy with others.

Causticum people react strongly to any type of injustice, becoming quite angry and willing to do something about it.

However, on the other side of the coin, Causticum persons can be quite bitter, even hateful and revolutionary anarchists.

Here the 1M or 10M potency given once can be quite effective in bringing a person out of this state.

How to take homeopathic pills
There should be no aftertaste in the mouth on taking a homeopathic remedy. Thus, you should not eat or drink anything (besides water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking the remedy.

Nor should there be any strong odor, e.g., perfume, incense, etc. present in the room.

It can be practical to take the remedy in the morning before tooth brushing and breakfast. But any time of the day will do.

Avoid touching the remedy with your fingers as this can neutralize it. Use the remedy container cap instead, or some other means, to throw the pill onto the tongue.

Allow the pill to dissolve on the tongue and wait at least fifteen minutes before ingesting anything. Don´t worry about any unpleasant taste. The remedy is a tiny lactose sugar pill with no chemicals, so it will taste like a piece of candy. It only contains information the body will use to heal itself.

Homeopathic remedies can be obtained via the Internet. Be sure to order the correct potency as indicated above, as otherwise the remedy may be too weak.

In the US: Homeopathy Overnight
In the UK: Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy

See the menu tab Articles on this Blog.

What Is Classical Homeopathy, by Ken Oftedal.