How to Take Homeopathic Remedies

There should be no taste in your mouth when taking a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, you should not eat or drink anything (except water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking a remedy. This also applies to smoking and tooth brushing.

Nor should there be any strong smell such as from perfume, incense, etc. present in the room, nor perfume or creams on your hands when handling the remedy container.

Avoid touching the remedy with your fingers as this can neutralize it. Use the bottle cap of the remedy, or some other means to launch the tablet onto the tongue.

Allow the remedy to dissolve on your tongue. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything. Then you can eat and drink as normal.

The remedy is normally a small tablet (globule) of lactose, so it will have a slightly sweet taste.  There are no chemicals except a tiny trace of alcohol. It contains information that stimulates the body to heal itself.