Category Archives: Procedures

Treatment procedures

Treatment of Ebola with Homeopathy


During its more than 200 year history, homeopathy has proven highly effective in epidemics, both as regards cure and prevention, with well-documented success rates in, among others, scarlet fever, polio, cholera and flu epidemics, and offers a viable alternative to standard vaccination called homeoprophylaxis.

With the current threat of an Ebola epidemic, this technology and experience can be put to good use. In this article you will find the means to help you survive an Ebola virus infection, in particular, if no medical support is available to you.

In the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, statistics ran as follows: 28% mortality in patients treated with traditional medicine, 1% mortality of patients treated with homeopathic remedies—and there were large numbers involved in these statistics. One wonders why medical authorities have not acted on this and numerous similar successes of homeopathy to improve their treatment procedures in epidemics.

The link to the pdf file Homeopathy in Epidemics and Pandemics, by Jayney Goddard at the end of this article reveals many examples of successful homeopathic treatment in various kinds of epidemics.

Symptoms of Ebola

After being infected with the Ebola virus, symptoms may appear as soon as after two days and as late as 21 days, the average period being 8–10 days.

Symptoms of Ebola can be similar to those of malaria, cholera, dengue fever, viral hemorrhaging fevers and tropical fevers.

Start Phase

Ebola usually starts with flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain, abdominal pain and headache. There may also be chest pain, hiccups, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing and a red rash.

Middle Phase

In this phase of Ebola, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, liver and kidney problems appear, as well as problems with blood clotting, leading to bleeding.

Final Stage

The final stage of Ebola is the bloody one: red, bleeding eyes, bloody vomit, bloody stools, red or purple spots on the skin, localized collections of blood in the skin (hematoma), bleeding from body orifices.

The symptoms described above for Ebola resemble symptoms produced in healthy persons who took one of the following homeopathic remedies— including symptoms of people who were bitten by the snake concerned:

  • Crotalus Horridus (made from rattlesnake venom— fits the Ebola symptoms picture 95%)
  • Lachesis (made from venom of the bushmaster snake)
  • Bothrops (made from the venom of the yellow viper found on the island of Martinique)
  • Phosphorus (made from the element of the same name—relates to internal bleeding)

Thus, the symptom pictures of these remedies (check the Internet) should be examined for a match for the Ebola symptoms seen in a patient. Use the remedy with the closest match to treat the patient.

Example Case of Crotalus Horridus Symptoms

Just to give you an idea of the similarities of Ebola symptoms with those from rattle snake bite poisoning, here you have a case reported by a homeopathic doctor more than a century ago.

The patient, aged 54, had been bitten by a rattlesnake in the middle finger. He had received conventional treatment for four days, after which the medical personnel gave up, stating that no further treatment would do any good.

The homeopathic doctor, Dr. J. S. M. Chaffee, found the patient in a state of delirium, bleeding from the bitten finger, from the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, rectum and urethra; the entire body was wet with hot perspiration, the pulse weak at 110, respiration 40, temperature 105 oF.

The patient was prescribed Crotalus Horridus 30C in the form of a few pills of this remedy dissolved in four ounces of water, to take a teaspoonful every hour.

The doctor returned twenty-four hours later to observe that the patient had improved markedly. The temperature was normal, pulse regular, the delirium gone and the appetite returning. The patient’s saliva and urine were slightly tinged with blood.

The remedy was continued for two days, after which recovery was practically complete.

This case has an interesting parallel, as at that time, 1892, there was no anti-venom available for this case, just as there is no cure nor vaccine for Ebola at present—and, lo and behold, a homeopathic remedy cured the case in short order.

Treating Ebola

Your best bet is to find a homeopath to treat yourself or your patient. With Ebola this might not be so feasible, and if you find there is no other assistance available, continue as described below.

Add a pill or two of the homeopathic remedy found to have the most similar symptoms to a plastic cup filled with water (tap or mineral water). Starting with Crotalus Horridus 30C is probably the best idea. Stir the cup with a plastic spoon until the pills dissolve. With the spoon, place some drops of the remedy on the patient’s tongue.

How often the remedy is taken depends on the severity of symptoms. If they are very severe, give the remedy every half hour until improvement is observed, then repeat it every hour. This can be reduced to once or twice a day, depending on improvement.

If no improvement is observed after 24 hours, go to the next homeopathic remedy on the list above.

What to Do In Case Homeopathic Remedies are Unavailable

At present, about 50% to 90% of patients die, even with intensive hospital care. The death rate during the Spanish flu in 1918 was only 5%, but killed from 50 to 100 million people—and in an era with much less international travel to spread infection. Imagine the devastation the 50% – 90% mortality rate of Ebola could produce now. You guessed it: you would be quarantined to your home, on your own.

With any epidemic, such as Ebola, bird and swine flu, if you have no other recourse for treatment—no medical assistance available— and you have contracted the epidemic disease, there is a procedure for making a remedy at home that will keep you alive, although you may have a rough time of it. Vitamins, especially C, will be helpful.

You may think the following procedure—developed by the English homeopath Peter Chappell—is a crazy thing to do. But, if you or a loved one is sick with Ebola with the prospect of having one week to live, and no other help is available, you might consider it. Besides, Einstein said that if an idea didn’t seem crazy, it wasn’t worth anything.

This procedure is based on a form of therapy related to homeopathy called isopathy (curing a disease with the virulent agent of the same disease), which has proven successful for many ailments. You could check this out.

A curious and interesting use of isopathy is that, in some regions of Brazil, if a child is bitten by a snake, the mother will immediately hunt the snake down, cut its head off and apply the stump to the bite wound to cure the child.


The following remedy should only be taken by persons who are already sick with Ebola

How to Make an Ebola Remedy for a Person Sick with Ebola

What you need:

  1. A face mask and gloves
  2. Two bottles (50 ml up to 500 ml glass or plastic bottles) with caps
  3. Clean water (mineral or tap water)
  4. An Ebola sample: some spit or other disease product, such as blood, from the person infected with Ebola. Any small quantity will do, even a pinhead.
  5. An alcoholic liquid, such as whisky, brandy, rum, etc.
  6. Half an hour of your time.


  1. Fill the bottle with water, leaving about 20% space at the top.
  2. Place the Ebola sample in the water in the bottle.
  3. Close the top of the bottle with the cap.
  4. Hold the bottle and strike it hard against a solid surface, such as a large book, 40 times.
  5. Pour out the contents of the bottle.
  6. Refill the bottle with water (the fluid remaining on the inside surface of the bottle will serve as the next Ebola sample).
  7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 a total of 30 times.


  1. Pour the bottle solution into another bottle—your stock bottle.
  2. Add 10% by volume of the alcoholic liquid (whisky, brandy, etc.) as a preservative.
  3. Store in a place away from sunlight and electronic equipment.

Using  this stock bottle, you can supply the Ebola remedy to as many people who are sick with Ebola you want. With one drop from the stock bottle as an Ebola sample you can produce another stock bottle to give to someone else. Instead of the original Ebola sample you used above to make the original stock bottle, you use a drop from the first stock bottle. This process can be carried out ad infinitum, supplying a whole city of people sick with Ebola, etc., if needed.

Taking the Ebola Remedy

For those who are sick with Ebola and have no possible recourse to medical attention:

  1. Place a teaspoonful of the Ebola remedy from your stock bottle into a cup filled with water.
  2. Stir the water five times with a disposable spoon or stick.
  3. Take a sip every 15 minutes, stirring five times each time until you notice improvement, then stop.
  4. On improving, you can ease off and take the remedy every hour or so, again stirring five times before taking the remedy each time.
  5. Refill the cup as needed after striking the stock bottle against a hard surface five times.

Post treatment

Other problems may appear some time after being afflicted with Ebola. Among these are: testicle inflammation, joint pains, muscle pains, skin peeling, hair loss, light sensitivity, eye inflammation, even blindness.

Again, the best thing to do is find a homeopathic professional to treat you. Otherwise, the homeopathic remedy Mercurius Solubilis 200C can be useful for inflammations. You could take one pill a day for a few days and then stop.

For exhaustion you could take the remedy Carbo Vegetabilis 200C once. Arnica 200C once a day for some days will also be useful. Leave some hours between taking different homeopathic remedies.

Phosphorus 200C taken once a day for a few days can be useful for eye problems.

How to Ingest Homeopathic Remedies

There should be no taste in your mouth on taking a homeopathic remedy. Thus, you should not eat or drink anything (besides water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking it.

This also applies to smoking. Nor should there be any strong odor, such as from perfume, incense, etc. present in the room. You can take a homeopathic remedy any time of the day or night, keeping these points in mind.

Avoid touching a pill with your fingers as your energy field can neutralize the information carried. Use the remedy container cap instead, or some other means, to throw a pill onto your tongue. Allow the remedy to dissolve on your tongue as if it were a piece of candy (actually it is in a way, since it consists of milk sugar, i.e., lactose, plus a trace of alcohol, and curative information). Liquid remedies are dripped onto the tongue.

Wait at least ten minutes before eating or drinking anything besides water. Afterwards you can eat and drink as you normally do.


Many people have asked me: ”How is it possible that such a tiny pill can bring about such a great improvement in such a short time?” And it is true. Homeopathic pills are usually quite small—about 1 mm or 1/32 inch in diameter, which makes it hard to believe they could do anything, especially when people are told that they contain no chemicals—only energy or information that stimulates the body to cure itself.

The size of a pill and its lack of chemical drugs constitute a GREAT leap of faith for some and an object of sneering ridicule for others, who consider the effects to be of a placebo nature. However, these pills have worked for more than two centuries on babies, pets, livestock and wild animals—even plants—so where the placebo idea might fit into this picture would be hard to explain, except for someone with ingrown fixed ideas.

Therefore, please remember that you only need to take one single pill, just one, not all the pills in the container, as some patients have done. Taking all the pills would have the same effect as taking one pill, so you might as well save the rest for another occasion.

Homeopathic remedies do not expire, even though an expiry date is printed on the container. This is due to the general ignorance regarding homeopathy of the medical authorities who regulate expiry dates. Two hundred year old pills found stowed away in a forgotten drawer have worked perfectly well.

The price of a homeopathic pill is quite affordable, usually much less than 5 cents. Since you will only need one or two pills to effect a cure, you can understand that such remedies are not economically attractive to Big Pharma. Expensive and toxic drugs that you have to take every day are the preferred medicines of Big Pharma.


I hope you will not need to apply the information presented in this article, but if you do, it could save your life and that of a loved one. With dangerous large-scale epidemics, such as Ebola could turn out to be, the medical establishment is more often than not caught unprepared, as vaccines and/or successful treatment take time to develop and the logistics involved in distribution can be insurmountable. Therefore, you may be left to your own devices, in which case alternative self-treatment, in particular, homeopathy, would be your only hope of survival.

Suppliers of Homeopathic Remedies

There are many suppliers, search the Internet. Here are some you might try:

In the US:

Homeopathy Overnight:

Hahnemann Labs:

In the UK:

Helios: They ship homeopathic remedies rapidly to any place in the world and have an extremely large selection.

Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy:


There is a lookup facility on (URGENCY REMEDY LOOKUP), where a search on illnesses will provide information for selecting the right remedy.

For further information on homeopathy, there is a free introductory online course available on

Family Homeopathy and Survival Guide, Kjetill Oftedal:


Homeopathy in Epidemics and Pandemics:’s%20Presentation.pdf

Lotus Materia Medica, Robin Murphy ND:

Hom. News, Sept. 1892.


Cure for Ebola Virus:


Teething problems


Swollen and tender gums, increased salivation, fever, irritation, crying, restlessness, interrupted sleep.

If you have given your chubby child Calcarea Carbonica 200C once a month for several months, the teething problem can be minimal.


Give Aconitum 200C if there is fever with much restlessness. sleeplessness and pain, and the child cries and has sudden involuntary jerks, jumps or twitches.


In case of convulsions caused by teething give Belladonna 200C. Here sound, long sleep follows the convulsions, which ends when new convulsions wake the child up.

Your irritable child can start from sleep with a frightened expression and have eyes with dilated pupils. There can be burning heat in the palms of the hands and in the temples. The body can become stiff.

Calcarea Carbonica

With slow teething in chubby babies who sweat at night, try Calcarea Carbonica 200C.

This remedy follows well after Chamomilla. Slimy mucus in stools.


Give Chamomilla 200C. This is the remedy most indicated for teething problems, especially if there is unbearable pain. One cheek may be red, the other pale and the child feels better from being carried. A peculiar feature with Chamomilla is that they refuse something they want when offered.

The child tosses about at night, wants to drink often, has spasmodic jerks and twitches in the limbs during sleep. Your child can have a hacking cough, short, quick noisy respiration, mouth hot. There can also be slimy, watery, green diarrhea which is worse at night. Your child can be very irritable.

Coffea cruda

The child has insomnia, wakes very excited, wants to play, laughs, and can’t fall asleep again. Your child is in constant motion, very agitated, laughs, then cries, is nervous and excited, but won’t sleep.


Your child has abdominal pains, colic. Give 200C.

Mercurius Solubilis

With red gums, excessive sweat and saliva, green stools, give Mercurius Solubilis 200C.


Your child has diarrhea and a desire to rub or press on the gums. Give 200C.


In case of white stools, give Sulphur 200C.

Decide on a remedy, dissolve a couple of pills in water and give it via a teaspoon on the tongue. The tongue should be free of taste, i.e. your child has not ingested anything the past 15 minutes or so. After giving the remedy, don’t give anything else to ingest for about 15 minutes.

Only give one remedy at a time and wait up to some hours for it to take effect. Often the effect will be very rapid when the correct remedy is selected.

If you don’t have the potency 200C, you can give 30C.

Use receptacles made of plastic that you can throw away as they will be impregnated with the remedy and the next time someone drinks from them, they will receive a dose of the remedy.

If your child does not improve with any of these remedies, contact your homeopath.



Long-term homeopathic immunization for children

Dr. Isaac Golden, an Australian homeopath, has developed a homeopathic immunization program he calls homeoprophylaxis.

He has run the program for over 15 years and included over 500 Australian families in the project. The results have been excellent, with about 90% efficacy.

The homeoprophylaxis program runs for about five years. Of course, parents can decide which diseases they wish their children to be immunized against, depending on local conditions and their particular fears.

The diseases that can be included in the program are: whooping cough, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease, tetanus, hib influenza, polio, diphtheria, measles and mumps. The remedy potencies used are 200C, 1M and 10M.

The table below contains Dr. Isaac Golden’s immunization schedule as per 2012. As an example, let’s take immunization against whooping cough. The table indicates that the remedy name is Pertussin and lists “1, 2t, 12t, 26t, (52t)” as the ages to give the remedy to your child.

Here “1” means that at the age of one month you give a single dose of Pertussin 200C (if this remedy is unavailable you can use the substitute remedy Cuprum Metallicum 200C as shown in the table under substitute remedies).

The “2t” means that at the age of two months you give Persussin 200C, where the “t” means a triple dose, meaning that you give it three times in a single day six hours apart. The “26t” indicates that at the age of 26 months you give a triple dose of Pertussin. The “(52t)” means that at the age of 52 months you can give Pertussin again as an optional booster.

It is advisable to have a homeopathic practitioner supervise administration of these remedies, however, if none is available locally, the International Homeopathic Web Clinic at will be happy to serve you.


Remedy Potency Disease Age given (months)
Pertussin 200C Whooping cough 1, 2t
Pertussin 10M Whooping cough 12t, 26t, (52t)
Pneumococcinum 200C Pneumococcal disease 3, 4t
Pneumococcinum 10M Pneumococcal disease 15t, 30t, (52t)
Haemophilis 200C Haemophilis influenza type B 5, 6t
Haemophilis 10M Haemophilis influenza type B 18t, 36t, (64t)
Meningococcinum 200C Meningococcal disease 7, 8t
Meningococcinum 10M Meningococcal disease 21t, 40t, (70t)
Tetanus Toxin 200C Tetanus 9, 10t
Tetanus Toxin 10M Tetanus 24t, 44t, (76t)

Remedies Possibly Needed

Hepatitis B 1M Hepatitis B When required
Lathyrus Sativus 200C Polio When required
Ledum 30C Tetanus wounds Three times a day, 3 days
Morbillinum 1M Measles When required
Oscillococcinum (Anas Barb in the UK) 200C Influenza In flu season, or as treatment
Parotidinum 200C Mumps When required
Rota virus 1M Rota virus When required

Substitute Remedies 

Substitute Substitute for Disease
Arsenicum Album Haemophilis Haemophilis influenza type B
Belladonna Meningococcinum Meningococcal disease
Belladonna Pneumococcinum Pneumococcal disease
Cuprum Metallicum Pertussin Whooping cough
Hypericum Ledum Tetanus
t = triple dose (i.e. three times at 6 hour intervals in one day)

How to Take Homeopathic Remedies

There should be no taste in your mouth when taking a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, you should not eat or drink anything (except water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking a remedy. This also applies to smoking and tooth brushing.

Nor should there be any strong smell such as from perfume, incense, etc. present in the room, nor perfume or creams on your hands when handling the remedy container.

Avoid touching the remedy with your fingers as this can neutralize it. Use the bottle cap of the remedy, or some other means to launch the tablet onto the tongue.

Allow the remedy to dissolve on your tongue. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything. Then you can eat and drink as normal.

The remedy is normally a small tablet (globule) of lactose, so it will have a slightly sweet taste.  There are no chemicals except a tiny trace of alcohol. It contains information that stimulates the body to heal itself.

How to Take Homeopathic Remedies

There should be no taste in your mouth when taking a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, you should not eat or drink anything (except water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking a remedy. This also applies to smoking and tooth brushing.

Nor should there be any strong smell such as from perfume, incense, etc. present in the room, nor perfume or creams on your hands when handling the remedy container.

Avoid touching the remedy with your fingers as this can neutralize it. Use the bottle cap of the remedy, or some other means to launch the tablet onto the tongue.

Allow the remedy to dissolve on your tongue. Wait at least 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything. Then you can eat and drink as normal.

The remedy is normally a small tablet (globule) of lactose, so it will have a slightly sweet taste.  There are no chemicals except a tiny trace of alcohol. It contains information that stimulates the body to heal itself.

Basic homeopathic remedies – Arsenicum

Arsenicum (Arsenicum Album or Arsenic), the chemical element, is a very effective remedy for vomiting and/or diarrhea after eating bad food, i.e. when you have contracted food poisoning.

The typical situation is that you eat or drink something (especially in a country or region you have not been in before) and then some hours later, or the next day or so you feel nausea and start vomiting, often shortly followed by diarrhea.

This can have serious consequences if action is not taken promptly. You may wind up in hospital for some time – weeks even.  In a foreign country that can be costly – missed plane, no insurance, poor treatment, etc.

Here is where Arsenicum comes to the rescue.  You of course are prepared and have Arsenicum 200C in your homeopathic remedy kit that you always carry with you without fail. So you take a pill of Arsenicum 200C and soon your problems fade away.

If your vomiting and diarrhea should persist, you can repeat the dose after a couple of hours. Remember to drink sufficient liquids to replace your losses due to diarrhea.

In severe, intractable cases, you can make use of the plussing technique.  You dissolve one or two pills of Arsenicum in a plastic cup of clean water, preferably mineral water as contaminated local tap water can have been the causative agent of your illness.

Then you use a plastic spoon to stir five times before taking a sip of the remedy water. Stir each time before you take the remedy. This stirring increases the potency slightly (the reason it is called plussing), thus intensifying the effect of the remedy each time.

You can stir five times and take a sip as often as every five minutes, or every 15 minutes, or every half hour, etc., depending on the severity of your ailment. Do this until you feel better and then stop taking any more of the remedy.

The reason for using plastic is that you will be throwing the cup and the spoon away after use, since these utensils will be permeated with the vibration of Arsenicum forever and a day, thus giving anyone who uses them a tiny dose of Arsenicum, possibly leading to some minor short-term symptoms of Arsenicum, but only if the utensil is used by this person frequently.

If you don’t have Arsenicum 200C, you can use the potency 12C or 30C – not lower – possibly needing to repeat the remedy more often, but only repeat if you are not getting any better, or if you got better but it did not last. The plussing technique described above is a very efficient method whatever the potency you have available.

Many chemical elements such as arsenic have been made into effective and non-poisonous homeopathic remedies by means of the process of homeopathic dilution and dynamization developed by the brilliant German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, who originated homeopathy about two centuries ago – of which more later.

How to Use Arnica


Arnica in homeopathic potencies is the trauma remedy par excellence. This remedy is a great place to start if you want to learn about the healing effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. Having some handy with you at all times, many opportunities will arise for you to use it and see rapid results.  

The potencies 30C, 200C, 1M and 10M are most frequently used. How these potencies and their derived creams are made is explained in great detail in my eBook Family Homeopathy and Survival Guide, which you can buy on this blog site under the Products tab. The Spanish version will soon be available on my Spanish blog listed under the Links tab.

Arnica can be obtained from online homeopathic pharmacies, a couple of which are listed under the Links tab of this blog site.

It should be noted that Arnica will not interfere with normal medication. The pill which has a diameter of about 1 millimeter does not contain any chemicals besides milk sugar (lactose) and a tiny fraction of preservative alcohol.

What it does contain is information that stimulates the organism to greatly accelerate trauma self-healing. If this seems incredible, so is electricity – just give it a go and try it.

Treatment with Arnica after a traumatic encounter with an escaped gorilla might even convince a diehard skeptic. Arnica gives a turbo boost to the body’s inborn healing powers, provided directly from the pharmacy of Nature. Mountain goats eat the plant after suffering falls.

Below are described a number of situations with treatment suggestions where this marvelous natural trauma remedy will ensure great relief. Treatment suggestions are given.

Give Arnica as the first remedy after an injury. It will reduce bruising, swelling, pain and promote rapid healing.  Use the potency 200C or 1M. Arnica can be repeated once a day for some days, as necessary.  

If the injury is really severe, Arnica 1M can be repeated a number of times every 15 minutes or so. Use your judgment.

I recall the case of an oil rig worker who had fallen from a height of 10 meters a decade before he came for treatment. He had been suffering from debilitating physical pain ever since the injury. After taking Arnica 10M every day for a month he experienced great relief.

Injuries remain in your body for the rest of your life, better to alleviate them with Arnica, before you have to use crutches.

After a serious accident, such as a car accident, or a great fall, give Arnica 1M or 10M several times (at intervals of 5, 15 or 30 minutes) until the patient improves.  For less serious accidents, potencies of Arnica such as 200C and 30C, or lower, can be used. (However, I have often been surprised at the rapid healing with low potencies such as 3C.)

After operations, Arnica 1M or 200C once a day for several days will greatly accelerate recovery.

Women will get back on their feet rapidly after childbirth if they take Arnica daily for a few days – using 1M if the going has been rough. Alternate days with Staphisagria 200C to heal cuts and lacerations or a Cesarean. Homeopathic Silica cream will reduce scarring.

Medical doctors would do well to use Arnica in treating concussions. Rapid results will be seen with the potencies 200C and 1M.  Some intensive care units are already doing this in conjunction with a homeopathic practitioner or doctor.

Hospitals treatment would be greatly enhanced with Arnica available and in use, especially in intensive care units.

Dental work
After dental work, taking a pill of Arnica 200C or 1M once or twice some hours apart will do wonders to eliminate pain and discomfort, especially after tooth extractions. Follow up with Staphysagria 200C in dental operations.

After martial arts events or boxing matches, wrestling, challenging competitions, sports injuries, exhausting races, sprains and falls, etc., repeating Arnica 1M or 10M once a day for some days, followed by Arnica 200C a day or two will restore your form.

Players in team sports such as American football, soccer, rugby, lacrosse, etc. will find Arnica quite useful for minor to severe injuries after games. Kicked shins, sprains, rough tackles, concussing headers, jarring falls, sharp elbowing, etc. all take their toll on the body and if allowed to accumulate can suddenly cut a career short.

The Armed Forces will find a great ally in Arnica – the fighting soldier’s remedy.

Emotional shock
Arnica is the perfect remedy to relieve the shock suffered by victims of robbery, rape and beatings, which are so prevalent these drug-laden days. Here high potencies such as 1M and 10M should be used, although 200C will probably do.

For shock due to the loss of a loved one, Ignatia 1M might be the best first remedy to use. See my blog post on grief and sadness remedies. As you will see in that post article, Arnica, Natrum Muriaticum and Ignatia constitute a formidable emotional trauma trio.

Body pains
Arnica cream is quite effective for healing body pains and bruises after having been pummeled (such as after martial arts events or boxing matches) – so long as there is no open wound where it is applied. Use the cream several times a day, as needed.

Remember that old injuries respond well to the application of Arnica cream.

Animals and plants
Animals also respond well to Arnica – as do plants. A couple of pills can be dissolved in their drinking bowl, or sprayed onto the tongue with a plastic syringe.  The same types of situations and potencies for humans also apply to animals.

If you see a tree that has been excessively pruned or mangled, dissolve some pills of Arnica in a bucket of water and pour it on the roots. Maybe a star will twinkle for you that evening.

Homeopathic Remedy for Vaccination Damage

The current situation faced by many parents
Unfortunately, in many schools in some countries, vaccination is required by law these days for children to be able to attend school, or, if not by law, then enforced by local policy.

(Bizarre as it may seem, this also applies to adults who work for certain institutions and companies or reside in certain areas. The following is written for parents dealing with children, but can also be adapted by adults to themselves as needed after any vaccination.)

To help in this situation, parents can administer one pill of the homeopathic remedy Thuja Occidentalis 200C after any and every vaccination of their child. This will minimize damage done by the vaccination–which can include development of allergies, autism, auto-immune diseases and turning your child into a human vegetable.

The latter human vegetable effect is quite well known to medical authorities, but is considered collateral damage as the percentage of children (probably not their own) reduced to this state is rather small. Nevertheless, irate parents have initiated and won million dollar lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies. It seems they can bear the cost.

How to take Thuja 200C
There should be no aftertaste in the mouth on taking a homeopathic remedy. Thus, your child should not eat or drink anything (besides water) at least fifteen minutes before and after taking the remedy.

Nor should there be any strong odor, e.g., perfume, incense, etc. present in the room.

It can be practical to take the remedy in the morning before tooth brushing and breakfast. But any time of the day will do.

Avoid touching the remedy with your fingers as this can neutralize it. Use the remedy container cap instead, or some other means, to throw the pill onto the tongue.

Allow the pill to dissolve on the tongue and wait at least fifteen minutes before letting your child ingest anything. Don´t worry about any unpleasant taste. The remedy is a tiny lactose sugar pill with no chemicals, so it will taste like a piece of candy to your child. It only contains information the body will use to heal itself.

With small babies, the pill can be dissolved in some water in a discardable plastic cup from which it can be sprayed onto the tongue using a plastic syringe.

(By the way, this is a practical and preferred method for giving the remedy to dogs and cats, or any other vaccinated animal. Their water bowl can also be used for this. Yes, animals also suffer from vaccination side effects.)

Afterwards your child may eat and drink as normal.

Homeopathic remedies can be obtained via the Internet. Be sure to order the potency 200C (or 200CH) as otherwise the remedy may be too weak.

In the US:

In the UK:

See the menu tab Articles on this Blog.

Homeoprophylaxis: homeopathic immunization—safe and 90% effective, by Ken Oftedal.

What Is Classical Homeopathy, by Ken Oftedal.

Homeopathic Childbirth Remedies

Before childbirth
Should the baby be in a breech position — i.e., it will be born bottom first instead of head first — one pill of Pulsatilla 200C a week or so in advance of the expected birth date will often set the baby right before delivery.

As a preparation prior to giving birth, take one pill of Arnica 200C the day before expected delivery and just before giving birth.

Fear before giving birth
If you experience fear prior to delivery, take Aconite 1M the night before and some hours prior to giving birth.

Don’t take it at the same time as Arnica, but some hours apart, if possible.

If the fear does not respond, take Arsenicum 200C instead of Aconite.

Labor and delivery
During labor, Caulophyllym 200C (weakness of reproductive organs) will help with dilation and the delivery process.

If it does not help, take any of the following:

  • Cimicifuga 200C (with weak contractions),
  • Pulsatilla 200C (if no thirst, and the warm room is uncomfortable)
  • Gelsemium 200C (on feeling weak and trembling)

After childbirth
If there has been a perineal tear or cut, or a cesarean section during childbirth, take Staphisagria 1M several times the first day a few hours apart, followed some hours later by Arnica 1M.

Calendula cream heals cut wounds rapidly. 

For up to a week after childbirth take Arnica 200C several times a day, as you feel the need.
If you experience pain, you can alternate Arnica 200C with Hypericum 200C.
Should you not have any of the above potencies, you can take any other available lower potency of the remedy concerned more frequently.

Remedy List
Aconite 1M
Arnica 200C
Arsenicum 200C
Calendula cream
Caulophyllum 200C
Cimicifuga 200C
Gelsemium 200C
Hypericum 200C
Pulsatilla 200C

Homeopathic remedies can be obtained from the web:

In the US:
Homeopathy Overnight

In the UK:
Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy